
Strategic Plan

Rooted in Love, Partnering for Growth:  A Strategic Vision for Saint Joseph Academy 2024-2028

We are living in a time of rapid change and significant challenge across many dimensions of our work as educators. Yet, we believe that Saint Joseph Academy is well-positioned to thrive amidst these challenges because of our strong roots in our mission of unifying love and educational excellence, inspired by the service and compassionate leadership of the Congregation of St. Joseph. 

Through a process involving input from our stakeholders, we have identified five areas of focus as we plan for the future. We envision these as elements of a living whole in which dynamic partnership is a key to success, much like the way the parts of a tree work together for fruitfulness and growth in a changing environment.   

Saint Joseph Academy Strategic Plan

List of 5 items.

  • Courageously Champion the SJA Mission and Values for a Changing World.

    Boldly live the charism in new ways. 

    Honor and build on our cherished traditions and culture. 

    Integrate interculturality and integral ecology into the life of the school. 

    Celebrate our Catholic identity while welcoming those of different or no faith traditions.

  • Empower Each Girl to Reach Her Full Potential.

    Review academic offerings in light of the evolving post high school landscape and the needs of all students.

    Review our approach to academic, college and career counseling.

    Attract and retain a diverse student body by ensuring that an experience of belonging and community is available for every student.

  • Foster a Highly Engaged, Energized, and Committed Faculty and Staff.

    Attract and retain a diverse faculty and staff who are fairly compensated and fully supported.

    Empower faculty and staff to always pursue excellence, and to be bold and their approach to finding innovative solutions.

    Cultivate and encourage shared leadership.
  • Optimize Saint Joseph Academy’s Spectacular Campus

    Develop a long-term facilities master plan that is focused on the student experience and reflects our commitment to integral ecology.

    Implement short term facilities plans and serve as good stewards of our campus.
  • Develop Deeper Partnerships with Important Constituents.

    The extended SJA family (especially parents/guardians and alumnae)

    Fellow educators

    The Northeast Ohio community