French Club Highlights National French Week

This week, the Academy celebrated National French Week through numerous cultural learning opportunities. The French Club began the week-long celebration with decorations highlighting the beauty of the Francophone world (Culture Café) and the 2024 Olympic Games. 
On Tuesday, the French Club hosted a meeting called All Around Me, La Francophonie, which focused on learning about the cultures of five Francophone countries: Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Romania. The following day the club hosted a game day celebrating the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games. Students played memory and board games as well as table tennis. The week ended with sharing croissants, macarons and other tasty treats. 
Throughout the week, French 1 and French 2 students practiced their writing skills by crafting thank you and appreciation letters to their peers and teachers, respectively, in French. 
Special thanks to French Club Leadership team members, Helen Chavez ’26, Jeanne Camara ’26, Gwyneth Kenning ’24, Peggy O'Deens ’24 and Katherine Sandy ’26, and French teacher Mr. Morar for creating these memorable opportunities that made learning about this culture so much fun.