Vedaa Chauhan '25

Accomplishments: Vedaa is a member of the Mock Trial. At this year’s district competition, Vedaa received a Best Witness award.  
“Receiving the Best Witness award at the Mock Trial competition holds great significance for me,” Vedaa shared. “In previous years, I played the role of an attorney, but this time, I embraced a new challenge by becoming a witness and gaining a fresh perspective on Mock Trial. The experience was demanding as I had to thoroughly grasp my witness statement and direct examination to strengthen our case. Despite the stress, it proved successful, and being honored with this award is immensely gratifying. I appreciate the recognition, knowing it reflects the hard work I invested in mastering the material.”
Vedaa has been a member of the Mock Trial team for three years. “What I enjoy most about Mock Trial is delving into the case, meticulously dissecting it to construct a strong argument, and then witnessing it all unfold during the trial,” Vedaa shared. 
Congratulations, Vedaa!
Activities and Interests: At Saint Joseph Academy, Vedaa is member of Asian Culture Club, Band, Book Club, the Health Sciences Honors Program, Model UN and Orchestra. Vedaa is also an Academy Ambassador.
Future Career Plans: Vedaa plans to pursue a career in medicine. 